Postgraduate fellowship voet- en enkelchirurgie in het American Sport Medicine Institute te Birmingham, USA. 1999
Postgraduate fellowschip reconstructieve voetheelkunde aan de University of Washington te Seattle, USA. 2000
Postgraduate fellowship handchirurgie in het Institut de la Main te Parijs, Frankrijk. 2000
Geneesheer specialist in de Verzekeringsgeneeskunde en de Medische expertise 2008
European Diploma in Hand Surgery. Antwerpen 2012
European Certification in trauma and orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery. Genua 2015
Peesaandoeningen van enkel en voet. G. Vandeputte, P. Kestelijn Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde , 53, nr. 19, 1997 p1291-1297
Forefoot reconstruction in rheumatoid arthritis patients : Keller-Lelièvre-Hoffmann versus artrodesis MTP1- Hoffmann G. Vandeputte, T. Mulier, G. Dereymaeker Foot Ankle Int 1999;20 (7):438-443; eveneens opgenomen in Mosby Yearbook 2000
The Weil osteotomy of the lesser metatarsals: a clinical and pedodynamic follow-up study.
G. Vandeputte, A. Steenwerckx, L. Peeraer, G. Dereymaeker Foot Ankle Int. 2000 May;21(5):370-4.
Avulsion of both extensor carpi radialis tendons : G. Vandeputte, L. De Smet J. Hand Surgery (Am) 1999; 24A:1286-1288
Closed traumatic rupture of the flexor pulleys of a long finger associated with avulsion of the flexor digitorum superficialis. G. Vandeputte, T. Dubert J Hand Surgery (B) 2001 26B: 3: 266-268
Subcutaneous herniation of tendon interposition following trapeziectomy in three cases; explanation and implications. G. Vandeputte, D. Le Viet J Hand Surg (Am) 2001; 26A:444-447
Posterior talar impingment syndrome. J. Van Der Bauwhede, G. Vandeputte Movement in Rheumatology, Physiotherapy and Orthopaedics 2001 p 10
Pedicled fat flap coverage of the median nerve after failed carpal tunnel decompression. L. De Smet, G. Vandeputte J. Hand Surgery (B) 2002 27B: 4: 350-353.
Percutaneous plating of the distal tibia. J. François, G. Vandeputte, F. Verheyden, G. Nelen Folia Traumatologica Lovaniensia 2003 p 119
Percutaneous plate fixation of fractures of the distal tibia. J. François, G. Vandeputte, F. Verheyden, G. Nelen Acta Orthop. Belg., 2004, 70, 148-154
Vascularized bone graft in carpal bone reconstruction. Mathoulin C. Haerle M. Vandeputte G.Ann Chir Plast Esthet 2005 Feb:50(1):43-8.
Metatarsalgie : diagnose en behandeling. N. Verhoeven, G. Vandeputte Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde maart 2006
Flexor tendon lengthening for hammer toes and curly toes in paediatric patients. R. Jacobs, G. Vandeputte Acta Orthop. Belg., 2007, 73, 373-376
Wat doe je met een pijnlijk os trigonum ? G. Vandeputte Ortho Rheumato Vol 5 – Nr 3 – 2007 p 61
Clinical outcome of surgical intervention for recalcitrant inferomedial heelpain. F. Sinnaeve, G. Vandeputte Acta Orthop. Belgica, 2008, 74, 483-488
Courante indicaties voor voetchirurgie. G. Vandeputte Podo 2000 tijdschrift 2008, p 5
Traumatic talus extrusion : case reports and literature review. N. Van Opstal, G. Vandeputte. Acta Orthop Belg, 2009, 75, 699-704
Technique tip : Fixation of the scarf metatarsal osteotomy with a proximal buttress and standard distal screw. E. Neven, G. Vandeputte Foot & Ankle international 2009 p 1235-1236.
Is er een leeftijdslimiet voor electieve voetchirurgie ? Geoffroy Vandeputte Ortho rheumato Vol 7 Nr 6 2009 p 200-3
Safe S-shaped incision at the back of the heel. K. Kalayci, G. Vandeputte Foot Ankle International 2010 p 455-456
Relationship of the Scarf Valgus-Inducing Osteotomy of the Calcaneus to the Medial Neurovascular Structures Katrien Vermeulen; Enrico Neven, MD; Geoffroy Vandeputte, MD; Francis Van Glabbeek, PhD, MD; Johan Somville, PhD, MD Foot Ankle International 2011 May 32(5) p 540-4.
Hielpijn : diagnose en behandeling. Shevan Mufty, Geoffroy Vandeputte Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 67, nr 16 2011 p 776
De verworven platvoet bij de vowassene : tibialis posterior pees disfunctie als voornaamste oorzaak. Vincent Vanryckeghem, Geoffroy Vandeputte, Saskia Van Bouwel, Johan Somville Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde volume 68 2012 p 1120.
Midfoot anatomy, pathology and physical examination. Mathias Vanhees, Saskia Vanbouwel, Francis Vanglabbeek, Geoffroy Vandeputte. Medische video aanvaard voor presentatie op het congres van de American Academy of Orthopaedic surgeons te Chicago 2013. Het kreeg een award program for presentation in the Orthopaedic Video Theater.
Midfoot arthritis : diagnosis and treatment. Nele Verhoeven, Geoffroy Vandeputte. Foot Ankle Surgery 2012 Dec p255-262.
Chronische enkelinstabiliteit : behandeling en beschrijving van de chirurgische opties. Stefan Clockaerts, Geoffroy Vandeputte. Ortho-Reumato vol 11 Nr5 2013 p40
Remodeling of the proximal tibia subsequent to bone graft harvest : postoperative CT study. Vincent Vanryckeghem, Geoffroy Vandeputte, Steven Heylen en Johan Somville. Foot Ankle International 2015 jul 36(7) 795-800
Imagerie fonctionelle : quel apport thérapeutique ? Hoofdstuk in het boek “Pathologie du pied et de la cheville” Editeur Thibaut Leemrijse Deuxième edition 2015 Elsevier Masson
Measuring hindfoot alignment in weightbearing CT: A novel clinical relevant measurement method Arne Burssens, Jef Peeters, Kris Buedts, Jan Victor, Geoffroy Vandeputte Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 Dec;22(4):233-238.
Tendon balancing in hallux valgus surgery. Colette Van Elst, Anne Van Riet, Geoffroy Vandeputte Acta Orthop. Belg., 2016, 82, 627-631
Dual window approach with two side screw fixation for isolated talonavicular arthrodesis. Mathias Van den Broek, Geoffroy Vandeputte, Johan Somville J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017 Jan – Feb;56(1):171-175
Screwless Scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus : evaluation of radiologic correction. Dries Van Doninck, Thomas Verschueren, Geoffroy Vandeputte Foot Ankle Surgery Volume 23, 4, December 2017 : 255
Weightbearing CT in normal Hindfoot Alignment – Presence of a constitutional valgus ? Arne Burssens, Edward Van Herzele, Kris Buedts, Tim Leenders, Stefan Clockaerts, Geoffroy Vandeputte, Jan Victor, accepted for publication Foot and Ankle Surgery 2017
Reliability and regression analysis of computed methods to convert convertional radiological measurements of the hindfoot from a 2D to a 3D setting in weightbearing CT. Arne Burssens, Jef Peeters, Matthias Peiffer, Toon Lenaerts, Geoffroy Vandeputte, Jan Victor. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2018 Dec;13(12):1999-2008
Correction of intermetatarsal angle as result of first metatarsophanlangeal fusion : are predictive factors contributing to the correction ? Laurens De Cock, Willem-Jan Vleugels, Sander Wuite, Arne Burssens, Geoffroy Vandeputte, Kris Buedts, Giovanni Matricali. Poster at EFORT congress, Lisbon 5-7/6/19
Long term clinical results of hallux varus correction by reversed abductor hallucis transfer. Schwagten K, Vandeputte G, Somville J, Van Hoecke E, Buedts K. Foot Ankle Surg 2019 Oct21:S1268-7713
Ultrasound duided popliteal nerve block and one time application of transdermal fentanyl patch as peri-operative analgesia in hallux valgus surgery : a prospective evaluation of peri-operative pain and nausea/vomiting. Eeckhoudt A, Vandeputte G Foot Ankle Surg in review
Clinical results of distal anterior tibial tendon decompression. Laurens De Cock, Elke Van Eynde, Geoffroy Vandeputte. Foot Ankle Surg Accepted for publicaton 27/10/20